For Parents and Professionals

Presentations will offer updated information and practical strategies than can help parents, extended family members and professionals better understand, manage and cope with the demands of raising children and teenagers with special needs.

Thursdays, 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm. Fee: No Charge

To register, please e-mail us at

TBA: Improving Self-Control, Part 1

Presenter: Mark Katz, Ph.D.

TBA: Improving Self Control, Part 2

Presenter: Mark Katz, Ph.D.

TBA: Workshop for Parents of Elementary Age Children: Anger Management - Helping Children Identify Their Anger Triggers

Presenter: Terri A. Fong, LCSW

TBA: Workshop for Parents of Elementary Age Children: Anger Management - Helping Children Manage Their Anger

Presenter: Terri A. Fong, LCSW, BCD

TBA: Communication and Problems Solving, Part 1

Presenter: Terri A. Fong, LCSW, BCD

TBA: Communication and Problem-Solving, Part 2

Presenter: Terri A. Fong, LCSW, BCD